The Foundation for Children
accepts requests for funding at all times of the
year. There are no application deadlines. Grant
decisions are based primarily on the information
provided by grantseekers in the foundation's
specified proposal formats. Only proposals
presented in this format will be considered for
Grantseekers who would like to send a
preliminary request for funding are encouraged to
submit a letter of inquiry. If the project
described in the letter fits our guidelines, the
grantseekers will be contacted and asked to submit
a proposal in the our standard format - either
online or in written format. A request to submit a
proposal is not an indication of the foundation's
intention or commitment to award a grant.
Please read the Program
Guidelines and funding restrictions carefully
to determine if your organization and project fits
our grantmaking strategies.
You're invited to take the grantseeker Eligibility
Quiz to help you determine eligibility. If you
are still unsure about the appropriateness of your
submission, please call Ben E. Factor at
212-123-4567 for further assistance.